Living hi-vibe

Everything is energy. We can sense and feel it beyond what’s right in front of us.

Create the life you want by amplifying the good energy in your space to raise your vibration and live in the flow.


Join my monthly chats about uplifting topics and amazing tips on how to raise your vibration and live in the flow.

#LawofVibration #LawofAttraction #Ayurveda


I create crystal energy paintings that help to raise your vibe.

By embedding uplifting messages and words subtly into the background of my paintings and by adding authentic crystals to each art piece, they help to amplify good energy in your home and office spaces.

#FengShui #crystals #goodvibes #spreadinglove


Living hi-vibe is being in harmony with universal energies and being in alignment with who I am. Not only can I transform my own life, but my good vibes are going to ripple outwards to positively affect others, including you! Namaste.

#livinghi-vibe #raisingmyvibe #manifestingthelifeIwant

Authentic crystals are added to each painting that amplify good energy in your space to raise your vibe.

Om. Aum. Ahoom

Chant to raise your vibe.

Based on scientific experiments & research, chanting Om reduces mental stress, helps to deal with depression, improves focus & concentration, calms the mind and leads to enhanced well-being, peace & happiness.