Renée La Force Ellison
“I’m sharing my journey through my art, my podcast and Energy Game as I make small, daily lifestyle shifts to upgrade my vibe, be the best version of me — and live the life I want. “
Founder of Canada’s first female-focused, government-licensed cannabis company.
Founder of AHOOM, dedicated to creating tools and sharing techniques to help raise your vibrational frequency.
20+ years experience in the health and wellness industries.
Certified in Ayurvedic health by the Chopra Centre (Deepak Chopra).
Certified in energy healing through Authentic Living (Oliver Ninos)
Training in feng shui with feng shui Master Maggie Huang.
Sound healing (Fibonacci sequence, singing bowls, steel tongue drumming).
Painter and creative trained at York University and Sheridan College.
Podcaster mentored by Cathy Heller, The Cathy Heller show.
Grateful for life’s experiences and the people who have come into my life to help me become the best version of me.

What is Ah-oom?
Ahoom is a phonetic spelling for Om, Ohm or Aum
- the sacred sound of the universe -
The rhythmic pronunciation and vibrations have a calming effect on the nervous system, similar to the effects of meditation.
It also connects your mind, body and spirit to universal energies so you can live in the flow.
Chant Ahoom to raise your vibe.